What is a bespoke prevention package?
A bespoke package of post-clean-up littering prevention measures includes expert advice to help you:
> tackle gum littering;
> select suitable locations and appropriate prevention measures; and
> deploy agreed intervention measures
These interventions are entirely funded by the Chewing Gum Task Force. They will be printed and delivered at no cost to you. You can browse the designs on the Prevention signage page. If you have been successful in applying for a cleansing
grant, all you need to do is install the interventions and send us
evidence to show the signage has been installed.
If you haven't received a grant, you can still access the digital artwork files, to print at your own cost. We are also hopeful that some budget will be available for printing full prevention packages for at least some of those councils who have been unsuccessful in applying for a grant.
What types of signage are available?
We offer a range of interventions including lamp post signs, banners, and bin vinyls, and we will work with you to identify the best solutions to your local situation. There are currently 11 designs available, with more being trialled. You can browse the designs on the Prevention signage page.
We have worked with our suppliers to try and make the resources as sustainable as possible whilst also being suitable for use (the signage needs to be durable enough to withstand being exposed to the elements for many months if not years). Where possible, we use recyclable and PVC-free materials and materials made from recycled materials.
Your guidance pack will contain advice on reuse / disposal / recycling.
How many pieces of signage will I get?
Each area is unique, so there is no set number (or, in theory, limit). It depends on the local area you are targeting, how big it is, suitable places to display interventions etc. We will work with you to understand your requirements and then print and deliver a suitable bespoke package with as much coverage as you need.
How effective are these interventions?
We have tested all the available signage in local pilots, where we've worked with partners around the country to trial the interventions and measure their effectiveness. Our evaluation methods have provided unprecedented robustness in proving effectiveness.
How long from requesting the bespoke prevention resources to delivery?
It generally takes 6-8 weeks from your initial discussions with us, where you’ll identify your needs, to the delivery of your bespoke prevention package.
What monitoring and evaluation will be required? What will you do with this information?
Once you have installed the behaviour change interventions, you will need to send phots of them in-situ to taskforce@behaviourchange.org.uk
If you are in receipt of a clean-up grant, you will also need to report to the Chewing Gum Task Force once the initial work is complete and again 3-6 months and 12 months later. These short reports should not take long to complete but will be vital in helping us monitor the long-term impact of your work. Reporting guidelines will be provided to successful applicants, and details of the timings and requirements will be provided as part of the offer letter.
We are committed to openly sharing the results of the projects we are funding. Our aim is for chewing gum cleansing and long-term behaviour change to become widespread across the UK. The information you provide will help to inform best practice and inspire further activity nationwide.
Can I do my own evaluation?
Measuring gum littering rates accurately is challenging, however, we have worked with research agency BMG for several years to develop a robust and detailed measuring method that takes into account footfall to calculate gum littering rates. This ‘gold standard’ measuring method is however somewhat expensive. To show a scientifically accurate measurement this is the only method. However, you are welcome to conduct your own evaluation - please refer to the Measuring success page for information on how to do this robustly. You could commission BMG to evaluate gum littering in your area. Or you could look at less scientifically robust (and therefore cheaper) methods e.g. you could do a perception survey or you could note if the frequency of cleaning is reduced following the intervention.